Российские суперкомпьютеры – каковы перспективы? Итоги первого национального суперкомпьютерного форума
TDK-Lambda: бизнес в России неуклонно расширяется
Electronica 2012: штрихи монументального полотна
Наша специализация – создавать наукоемкие производства. Рассказывает генеральный директор компании «ЭлТех СПб» А.В.Трошин

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Content & Annotations of Issue #1/2013
Competent opinion
Exhibitions & Conferences
IEDM 2012. It’s Not so Difficult to Develop a New Device as to Abandon an Old One
The program of passed IEDM exposed a huge volume of works in the spheres of emerging technologies, new materials (such as molybdenum sulfide), new structures, more extensive use of III-V compound semiconductors, nanowires and etc.
Report from the Company
Economy & Business
V.Kochemasov, H.Stroganova
Foreign-Made Electronic Components. Russian Exports Restriction
The share of foreign-made components is 70% of the electronics component base that is utilized in Russian defense and space equipment production. Foreign manufacturers offer enhanced products and devices with the required characteristics. But they (primarily USA companies) force into application perpetual restrictions deliverable electronic components necessary for Russia. That’s why it becomes more difficult to get components for aerospace or defense systems.
Experts Opinoin
Российский рынок дистрибьюции радиокомпонентов. Нужна ли реструктуризация?
Нет нужды объяснять, чем чреваты задержки поставок или использование "серых" либо поддельных радиокомпонентов (РК) и как ценовая политика дистрибьютора влияет на стоимость готового изделия. В России ситуация с дистрибьюцией РК традиционно достаточно сложна. Большое количество (порядка нескольких сотен) дистрибьюторских фирм не означает постоянной конкуренции и, как следствие, борьбы за клиентов и повышения качества работы. Непрозрачность путей поставок РК и оборудования не позволяет проследить их происхождение. Поможет ли реструктуризация этого сектора рынка решить возникающие проблемы? С другой стороны, будет ли полезным для дистрибьюторов и их клиентов создание профессиональных объединений (ассоциаций) дистрибьюторов? На эти вопросы отвечают наши эксперты.
S.Lusin, S.Popov, J.Popov
Flexible Topological Harnessing in Arbitrary Directions. Peculiarities and Advantages
Increase of integration level and corresponding increase of ICs contacts at a simultaneous intention to decrease the electronic modules dimensions leads PCB interconnection density growth. Along with that the PC board layout becomes trickier. But there is an effective method for PC connections high density layout – flexible topological harnessing in arbitrary directions.
Electronic Components
All ADC types are Important All ADC types are Required
When designing converters of various types developers direct their efforts to rising sampling frequency and resolution while simultaneously decreasing energy consumption. That is to improve the most important characteristics of ADCs necessary for current high speed small dimension devices with battery sources that are provided for telecommunication systems, computers, industrial and medical equipment. So what have ADC designers attained?
Maxim’s ADCs and DACs for Precision Measurement Systems. Low Power Consumption and Large Scale Integration
Maxim’s new ADCs and DACs took into account all current electronic components upgrade tendencies. They can operate both in battery powered systems (low current consumption, support economy operation mode) and large industrial systems. Aside from that a number of elements each of witch performs several functions of well known alternative solutions are integrated into the new products and hence allow an economically justified abandonment of the alternative devices.
NXP’s High Speed ADCs and DACs for RF Devices
NXP delivers a wide range of high bit-rate data converters with digital interfaces that satisfy the JESD204A requirements. Applications of these ICs are wireless infrastructures, industrial, medical, aerospace and defense systems.
Test & Measurements
New Spectral Analyzer. Real Time Operation and Unique Characteristics
Agilent Technologies has developed a real time spectral analyzer. Jim Curran marketing manager of Agilent’s RF and microwave communication systems department with whom we met at Ailment’s representative office in Moscow told us about peculiarities, resources and applications of the new device.
New Frequency Meters Series AKIP CH-85. Faster, More Functional and Precision
Within years cheap, user-friendly and at the same time very precision and functional frequency meters of series AKIP CH3-85 have been utilized with success in various applications. Recently this family was renewed with new high performance frequency meters.
New Technologies
Photovoltaics is Future Energy
Most of solar arrays are made by the “classic” technology where the transductive element is a silicon or similar chip. An answer to them are flexible polymer batteries produced by printed technology. What are the advantages of these batteries and why do leaders of the branch concern themselves with them. This article gives answers to these questions.
Power electronics
Atmel’s Cortex MCUs. Family Expension
Besides 32-bit MCUs of its own architecture Atmel produces ARM MCUs. They are indented for the consumer market and industrial applications that meet the “standard” reliability requirements. For the last year the family of ARM MCUs has been significantly expanded. This article considers the new MCUs.
Computers & Computer Engineering
Russian Supercomputers. Three Years of Progress
The first supercomputer forum that was held at Pereslevl-Zaleski in November 2012 was certainly the biggest event of the Russian computer branch. While Russia is still behind advanced countries this forum showed that Russian supercomputer branch is developing at a quit intensive rate.
Medical Electronics
Future Medicine is Digital Medicine. Adapted from Conference “Health and Technology 2012: Opportunities in Transformation” Proceedings
At Dec.13 2012 an International conference “Health and Technology 2012: Opportunities in Transformation” was held in Moscow. The conference promoted active communications among businessmen, speakers and industrial and investment environment experts. In the course of the conference digital monitoring projects that are the basis of future medicine were presented.
Years Topic: MEMS
MEMS Technology Captures New Frontiers
In the next years dozens of new MEMS are expected to appear. Among them it is possible to highlight three devices types whose growth rates will be highest. They are MEMS oscillators, pico projectors and RF MEMS for tuning embedded transceiver antennas. A guide of the main MEMS technology tendencies for the next tree-five years were presented at IEDM.
Conception of MEMS Products Production Development in Russia to 2017
For readers attention the conception of development of a various micromechanical products production system in our country prepared by “Russian MEMS Association is presented.
MEMS Forum 2012. Simulation. Production. Certification
In October 2012 the second annual international MEMS forum devoted to MEMS devices simulation, production and certification was held. The course of events, items on the agenda, participants opinion – all of this issues are incorporated into the report from the high technology world.
RAMEMS Participated in the MEMS Executive Congress US 2012
Representatives of Russian Association of MEMS designers, producers and consumers took part in the annual international conference MEMS Executive Congress US 2012 that was held November 7-9 at Scottsdale. Current situation in the high technology sphere and its development prospects were discussed.
SignalQuest’s Threshold Motion Sensors. Micromechanics Masterwork
Along with MEMS motion sensors at the electronics market micromechanical relay sensors that provide mechanical control signal switching in response to impacts of varying intensity with strictly directed force vector are called up. SignalQuest offers a wide assortment of tilt sensors, schock pick-ups and other mechanical impacts sensors as well as assemblies and modules on their basis.
D.Lewis, P.Schreer
Analog Devices’ New MEMS Microphones with Ultra Low Self-Noise
MEMS microphones over a number of years are used with success in various devices. But their audio characteristics up to date didn’t meet the requirements of a variety of applications, primarily those where the audio source is at a large distance or many microphones are used. Now with the introduction of Analog Devices’ new ultra low self-noise microphones this situation has changed.
Разработка: студия Green Art