Событие номера: выставка SMT HYBRID PAKAGING 2014
Новые высокопроизводительные микропроцессоры: итоги ISSCC 2014
Производственная база мировой микроэлектроники: тенденции развития
Директор департамента радиоэлектронной промышленности С.В.Хохлов об итогах деятельности и задачах российской радиоэлектроники

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Content & Annotations of Issue #5/2014
Competent opinion
Exhibitions & Conferences
Microwave Devices. Years Topic
Wonder Material Graphene: A New Rival at the RF Electronics Market. Part 2
Many analytics consider grapheme as a non-conventional electronics material suited for creating devices with unusual properties for such applications as RF systems. But in order to be a serious treat for modern semiconductor technology it’s necessary to solve a multitude of problems. What is doing in this process?
ANSYS DesignerRF. Features Review
ANSYS’ products hold leading positions on the Russian and global CAD markets due to advanced technologies and innovative approaches for electronic devices complex analysis. Software package ANSYS DesignerRF is one of the most powerful current solutions for planar microwave devices development. The package combines high precision, reliability, calculating speed and crossplatform integration with ANSYS HFSS, Q3D Extractor, SiWave and CAD PCB Cadence OrCAD/Allegro/SPB software solutions.
Economy & Business
Microelectronics Global Industrial Base: Development Trends
Due to doom-laden prognosis of imminent Moores’ Law termination and development slowdown it becomes topmost to solve the industrial base problems. New technologies and production cost escalation hold industry growth rate. Semiconductor industry business model becomes useless. Industry has to change it: it’s necessary to make money today, tomorrow it will be late. In order to overcome unfavorable trends development of special methods and measures is required. So what’s going up on the industrial scale?
A.Andryev, S.Dashkevitch, V,Evsyev, G.Egorov, N.Nalivkin
Domestic Communications and Electronics Equipment: Analysis and Management Decisions Formulation
A brief analysis of domestic communications and electronics market and the necessity of electronics production and consumption official statistic base organization. The statistic Base must be accessible for communications and electronics market state and trends analysis and for management decisions formulation.
Russian Innovation Economics Development in Response to New Foreign Policy
There is no use to draw special attention to Ukraine news but close eyes on it is also impossible. The Ukraine case has already changed both the Russia general line in foreign policy and its economical course. The question at the issue is how to incorporate this course into the national innovation economics development track?
Manufacturing Management
What, Where and When at the Place of Production System SMART traceability
Modern production enterprise structure is so complex that it’s impossible to manage it without a special system: manufacturing execution system (MES). The base of it is the production traceability concept, that means registration of produced items and all the operations accomplished to assembly them. Thanks to traceability the enterprise is able to not only monitor thq devices quality, but also maintain the produced quality statistics, timely eliminating production faults, and provide production efficiency
Electronic Components
I.Laser, B.Ivanov, V.Kalinin
Microsystems Techniques Physical and Chemical Sensoric
Novel achievements in the field of fundamental research of quantum ripple effects justify the feasibility to build a quantum computing device. But commercialization of such inventions is anticipated in 10–15 years. Alongside these researches there is an another line of development: microsystems techniques, that are based on more complete usage of boundary physical effects. They permit to manufacture electronics products at the advanced technological level with unmatched competitive advantages.
J.Agritch, V.Lifshiz
Milandr’s New ADC – High Speed of Operation and Low Energy Consumption
Today the demand for ADC, that combine high performance, large number of bits, large bandwidth and low energy consumption, is very high. Thus far devices of this class were generally produced by foreign companies. Now CJSC PCC Milandr developed and prepares to release high speed pipelined ADC 5101НВ015 with 12 or 14 digit capacity and sampling frequency 20–150 MHz. About its specific features and capabilities tells this paper.
API TECHNOLOGIES: One Company – A Set of Solutions
In the works every engineer has to select the element base. How to find exactly what you need among many companies offerings? The most simply solution can become the choice of a producer that delivers a wide range of goods. An example of such a company is API Technologies. This article gives coverage to its activities in high frequency/microwave devices.
Test & Measurements
Oscillographes R&S RTO. Power Supplies Characteristics Analysis
Current switched mode power supply design requires their characteristics detailed investigation. Some of them can be analyzed by digital multimeters (DMM). But to measure the dynamic characteristics and switched power supplies stability it’s recommended to use digital oscillographes with the corresponding probes and accessory equipment. To these systems belong Rohde & Schwarz’ series RTO oscillographes. About their application for switched power supply dynamic characteristics measurement tells this article.
Devices for Y Generation. From Smartphones to Oscillographes
Each engineer generation had a new device generation. Those, who were born in 1940–1960, had oscillographes with CRT and pointer multimeters. The so-called "generation X" (born in 1960–1980) got "digital" tools with ADC and graphic display units. And today the labor market begins to occupy "generation Y", those who was born in1980–2000. They possess a new state of mind that will lead to application in their daily activities the next measuring instrumentation generation.
New Technologies
Universal Heat-Eliminating Base Frameworks. A Constructor for Power Radioelectronic Systems Designers
Creation of universal heat-eliminating base frameworks is one of the disciplines that determine power radioelectronic systems technical characteristics. One of the leaders in this field is the Russian company Engineering Center Teplocom that created a well-knit system of universal heat-eliminating base frameworks. This article considers special aspects of the Russian company decisions that took advantage of some original design and engineering solutions that provide high performance characteristics and economic features.
New High Performance Microprocessors. More various and interesting
As the ISSCC 2014 showed Big Data centers and cloud service systems become the high performance MCUs main end-users. Microprocessors that are the systems "brain" today are developing at much more growth rates then 40 years before. MCUs performance in the last 20 years increased by 300 percents. It will increase by 2020 on 30 percents and by 2030 additionally on 300 percents. The article considers the leading producers’ high performance microprocessors that were introduced at ISSCC 2014.
Atmel’s New Cortex-M MCU
Atmel produces ARM MCUs more then 15 years. Today the company expands the range of microcontrollers on the base of 32-bit Cortex-M cores, that permit the designer to choose the optimal solution for a specific project. The article considers the last Cortex-M MCUs series SAM designs.
Freescale Semiconductor’s MCU Family Kinetics and Processors I.MX 6
Today Freescale Semiconductor produces about 900 MCU modules with a vast scope of applications. This article considers the popular 32-bit MCUs family Kinetics for industrial and domestic applications and 32-bit multimedia processors i.MX, that feature high level of integration, low power consumption, lot peripheral modules.
Разработка: студия Green Art