Competent opinion
Event of Issue
D.Frolov, A.Kryglov, C.Mesheryakova
ANSYS: FIVE SUBCOMPONENTS FOR COMPLEX ELECTRONICS SIMULATION Feasibility of developing electronic devices by means of a software package ANSYS, that allows to compute parameters of electromechanic, electronic, analog and digital devices for both civilian and military applications is considered. For convenience five components of most importance are analysed.
ANSYS: FIVE SUBCOMPONENTS FOR COMPLEX ELECTRONICS SIMULATION Feasibility of developing electronic devices by means of a software package ANSYS, that allows to compute parameters of electromechanic, electronic, analog and digital devices for both civilian and military applications is considered. For convenience five components of most importance are analysed.
PROJECTS TEAM DEVELOPMENT METHOD IN ORCAD ENGINEERING DATA MANAGEMENT OrCAD Engineering Data Management (EDM) program that permits to optimize project team development process is discussed.
PROJECTS TEAM DEVELOPMENT METHOD IN ORCAD ENGINEERING DATA MANAGEMENT OrCAD Engineering Data Management (EDM) program that permits to optimize project team development process is discussed.
Tags: cell library design environment orcad capture orcad edm team operation библиотека элементов групповая разработка среда проектирования
Years topic: Control & measurement
NEW VECTOR NETWORK ANALYSER ARCHTECTURE: HOW TO IMPROVE MEASUREMENT EFFICIENCY Peculiarities of an advanced architecture that involves application of Anritsu’s converters on the basis of a nonlinear transmission line and its preference in comparison with conventional vector network analyzers are concerned.
NEW VECTOR NETWORK ANALYSER ARCHTECTURE: HOW TO IMPROVE MEASUREMENT EFFICIENCY Peculiarities of an advanced architecture that involves application of Anritsu’s converters on the basis of a nonlinear transmission line and its preference in comparison with conventional vector network analyzers are concerned.
Tags: nonleaner transmission line reflectometer vector network analyser векторный анализатор цепей нелинейные линии передачи рефлектометр
KEYSIGHT’S InfiniiVision 3000T OSCILLOGRAPHS. TOUCH, GAIN AN INSHIGHT INTO, ARRIVE AT A SOLUTION The most interesting and important capabilities of Keysight Technologies’ introduced in early 2015 new devices providing engineers convenient and efficiency means for searching, finding and discovering of the most complex problems of devices that are being designed.
KEYSIGHT’S InfiniiVision 3000T OSCILLOGRAPHS. TOUCH, GAIN AN INSHIGHT INTO, ARRIVE AT A SOLUTION The most interesting and important capabilities of Keysight Technologies’ introduced in early 2015 new devices providing engineers convenient and efficiency means for searching, finding and discovering of the most complex problems of devices that are being designed.
Tags: oscillograph screen update speed segmented memory touchscreen осциллограф сегментированная память сенсорный экран скорость обновления экрана
N.Egorov, V.Kochemasov
SIGNAL GENERATORS FOR TESTING RADARS. AWT’S PRODUCTS The article consideres AceWavetech’s (AWT) produced special signal generators that form signals of types that are distinctive for radars and that are proposed for radar testing and training of involved personal.
SIGNAL GENERATORS FOR TESTING RADARS. AWT’S PRODUCTS The article consideres AceWavetech’s (AWT) produced special signal generators that form signals of types that are distinctive for radars and that are proposed for radar testing and training of involved personal.
THIN STRUCTURES VISUALIZATION. MODERN TECHNOLOGIES. Part 3 The article suggests electron-beam guns used for scanning electronic microscopy.
THIN STRUCTURES VISUALIZATION. MODERN TECHNOLOGIES. Part 3 The article suggests electron-beam guns used for scanning electronic microscopy.
Electronic Components
SPESIALTY CAPACITORS, RESISTORS, INDUCTORS. MINIATURE PRECISION COMPONENTS BRIGHT FUTURE High quality specialty devices particularly polymer and hybrid capacitors, highh density resistors, high current magnetics of special interest in 2015 are given attention.
SPESIALTY CAPACITORS, RESISTORS, INDUCTORS. MINIATURE PRECISION COMPONENTS BRIGHT FUTURE High quality specialty devices particularly polymer and hybrid capacitors, highh density resistors, high current magnetics of special interest in 2015 are given attention.
Tags: high current power magnetics high density resistors high voltage capacitors высоковольтные конденсаторы резисторы с повышенной плотностью компоновки сильноточные мощные индуктивности
K.Djurinskiy, V.Bataev, S.Legenkin, M.levashov
SMP CONNECTORS. BASIC TYPES, PARAMETERS AND Applications The article conciders application of SMP connectors in sophisticated multifunctional high density microwave modules designed for aeronautical and aerospace systems, active phased antenna arrays, radars and other specialized products.
SMP CONNECTORS. BASIC TYPES, PARAMETERS AND Applications The article conciders application of SMP connectors in sophisticated multifunctional high density microwave modules designed for aeronautical and aerospace systems, active phased antenna arrays, radars and other specialized products.
Tags: bullet adapters cable coupler electric parameters words: appliance inlet адаптеры bullet кабельные соединители приборные вилки электрические параметры
HIGH-SPEED MULTICLASTER INTEGRATED DATA PROCESSING MODULE The article considers a high-speed multiclaster integrated data processing module developed at JSC PCC Milandr wherein technologies providing fault-tolerance advanced level at optimal cost are incorporated.
HIGH-SPEED MULTICLASTER INTEGRATED DATA PROCESSING MODULE The article considers a high-speed multiclaster integrated data processing module developed at JSC PCC Milandr wherein technologies providing fault-tolerance advanced level at optimal cost are incorporated.
Tags: cluster architecture os milandr-osa processors в котором воплощены технологии обеспечивающие высокий уровень отказоустойчивости при оптимально описан созданный в центре проектирования радиоэлектронной аппара
S.Garmash, A.Kishinskiy, E.Markinov, A.Radchenko, D.Sukhanov
CURRENT SOLID-STATE MICROWAVE MODULES. MICROWAVE SYSTEMS’ ADVANCED DEVELOPMENTS The article suggests the Microwave Systems’ success in development of a wide range of microwave devices particularly wideband microwave amplifiers with attractive price/performance ratio that are on a par with word analog and advanced multifunction modules.
CURRENT SOLID-STATE MICROWAVE MODULES. MICROWAVE SYSTEMS’ ADVANCED DEVELOPMENTS The article suggests the Microwave Systems’ success in development of a wide range of microwave devices particularly wideband microwave amplifiers with attractive price/performance ratio that are on a par with word analog and advanced multifunction modules.
Tags: gan transistor gan-транзистор integrated microwave module transmit-receive module ultra-wideband microwave power amplifier интегральный свч-модуль приемопередающий модуль сверхширокополосный свч-усилитель мощности
Microwave electronics
V.Nemudrov, M.Bychkov, L.Ionov, I.Malishev, I.Mukhin, V.Repin, R.Shabardin
SILICON-GERMANIUM (SiGe) MICOWAVE INTEGRATED CIRCUITS. ADVANTEGES AND ACHIVEMENTS The advanteges of microwave integrated circuits technology that has been derived by many leading international semiconductor producers and modern solutions on its basis are conciderd.
SILICON-GERMANIUM (SiGe) MICOWAVE INTEGRATED CIRCUITS. ADVANTEGES AND ACHIVEMENTS The advanteges of microwave integrated circuits technology that has been derived by many leading international semiconductor producers and modern solutions on its basis are conciderd.
Tags: fc blocks microwave ics sige microwave integrated circuits кремний-германиевые монолитные интегральные микросхемы свч-микросхемы сф-блоки
I.Ivanov, N.Skripkin, C.Khodataev, S.Boev, A.Vagin
EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF SELF-SYNCHRONIZING 3-mm MAGNETRONS The goal of reported in this article researches is confirmation of the feasibility of 3-mm power magnetrons coherent synchronization and power adding as well as adding devices prototypes creation.
EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF SELF-SYNCHRONIZING 3-mm MAGNETRONS The goal of reported in this article researches is confirmation of the feasibility of 3-mm power magnetrons coherent synchronization and power adding as well as adding devices prototypes creation.
Tags: 3-mm wavelength band 3-миллиметровый диапазон длин волн bridge hybrid magnetron power adding quasi-optical bridge synchronization волноводный мост квазиоптический мост магнетрон синхронизация суммирование мощности
Power Sources
FEEDING A SMART HOME. MORNSUN’S SERIES LS POWER SUPPLY MODULES MORNSUN introduces small size power supply modules series LS that permit to place electronic blocks in sockets and standard packages fot switches and completely meet the smart home electronics requirements.
FEEDING A SMART HOME. MORNSUN’S SERIES LS POWER SUPPLY MODULES MORNSUN introduces small size power supply modules series LS that permit to place electronic blocks in sockets and standard packages fot switches and completely meet the smart home electronics requirements.
HARMONIC DRIVE’s SERVO DRIVES: A WIDE RANGE OF TASKS HIGH PRECISION AND RELIABLE SOLUTIONS The article presents a review of Harmonic Drive’s (Germany) currernt different purpose servo drives that find various applications: from machine tool building, communications and medicine to aerospace industry and robotics.
HARMONIC DRIVE’s SERVO DRIVES: A WIDE RANGE OF TASKS HIGH PRECISION AND RELIABLE SOLUTIONS The article presents a review of Harmonic Drive’s (Germany) currernt different purpose servo drives that find various applications: from machine tool building, communications and medicine to aerospace industry and robotics.
Tags: harmonic deive position sensor servo drive synchronous motor torque motor волновой редуктор датчик положения моментный двигатель сервопривод синхронный двигатель
Distribution Market