Competent opinion
It’s time for us to create and develop enterprises instead of providing conditions for this
It’s time for us to create and develop enterprises instead of providing conditions for this
Column of radio-electronic industry department
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Event of Issue
Economy & Business
M.Makushin, V.Martynov
Digital world and reality: the edges of interaction The article considers the trends in the field of digital technologies: extended use of digital counterparts, moving of cloud technologies to edge computing, the development of dialog platforms and the multi-directional impact on user experience.
Digital world and reality: the edges of interaction The article considers the trends in the field of digital technologies: extended use of digital counterparts, moving of cloud technologies to edge computing, the development of dialog platforms and the multi-directional impact on user experience.
Tags: cloud technologies dialog platforms digital counterparts диалоговые платформы облачные технологии цифровые двойники
Global projects for the development of electronics and information and communication technologies: a threat and new opportunities for the development of the Russian economy The article considers the actuality of the issues disclosed in the article "Accelerated Development of microelectronics and ICT and the fourth industrial revolution" by O.B.Koshovets and N.A.Ganichev based on the analysis of the behavior of the world economy in recent years, those concepts and ideas that are considered as possible sources of new mechanisms for economic growth and threats and opportunities, which they bring for Russia.
Global projects for the development of electronics and information and communication technologies: a threat and new opportunities for the development of the Russian economy The article considers the actuality of the issues disclosed in the article "Accelerated Development of microelectronics and ICT and the fourth industrial revolution" by O.B.Koshovets and N.A.Ganichev based on the analysis of the behavior of the world economy in recent years, those concepts and ideas that are considered as possible sources of new mechanisms for economic growth and threats and opportunities, which they bring for Russia.
Tags: digital economy information and communication technologies microelectronics radioelectronics the fourth industrial revolution инфокоммуникационные технологии микроэлектроника радиоэлектроника цифровая экономика четвертая промышленная революция
O.Koshovets, N.Ganichev
Accelerated development of microelectronics and ICT and the fourth industrial revolution The authors consider the latest data on global technological development and investments in R&D within the context of emerging new digital revolution. They show that microelectronics and ICT remain a priority of technological development for most developed countries and large corporations. Based on the analysis of these trends and the background of ICT development throughout the 1990s – 2000s the authors conclude that "fourth industrial revolution" aim at further commercialization of the already going ICT by creating for them fundamentally new mass markets. That may lead to the formation of a new mechanism that enables transnational ICT corporations to maintain a monopoly position on the market and receive "technological rent".
Accelerated development of microelectronics and ICT and the fourth industrial revolution The authors consider the latest data on global technological development and investments in R&D within the context of emerging new digital revolution. They show that microelectronics and ICT remain a priority of technological development for most developed countries and large corporations. Based on the analysis of these trends and the background of ICT development throughout the 1990s – 2000s the authors conclude that "fourth industrial revolution" aim at further commercialization of the already going ICT by creating for them fundamentally new mass markets. That may lead to the formation of a new mechanism that enables transnational ICT corporations to maintain a monopoly position on the market and receive "technological rent".
Tags: digital economy information and communication technologies microelectronics radioelectronics technological revolution the fourth industrial revolution инфокоммуникационные технологии микроэлектроника радиоэлектроника технологический уклад цифровая экономика четвертая промышленная революция
Manufacturing Management
V.Khomchenko, T.Smirnova
Automation of management: audit of production Based on the experience in development and implementation of Manufactu¬ring Execution System (MES) at one of the St. Petersburg’s instrument-making enterprises the article considers the first stage of the process that is the audit of production, which is planned to be automated.
Automation of management: audit of production Based on the experience in development and implementation of Manufactu¬ring Execution System (MES) at one of the St. Petersburg’s instrument-making enterprises the article considers the first stage of the process that is the audit of production, which is planned to be automated.
Tags: audit of production mes mis process automation production management автоматизация технологических процессов асуп аудит производства управление производством
A.Akulin, A.Suponin
Simulation and advanced circuit analysis using PSpice 2017 The article considers the key features and extended capabilities of PSpice analog/analog-digital circuit simulator from Cadence as well as the benefits that the developer gets when using this tool.
Simulation and advanced circuit analysis using PSpice 2017 The article considers the key features and extended capabilities of PSpice analog/analog-digital circuit simulator from Cadence as well as the benefits that the developer gets when using this tool.
Tags: advanced analysis cadence modeling orcad capture pspice schematic editor simulator моделирование расширенный анализ симулятор схемотехнический редактор
Electronic Components
M.Makushin, O.Orlov
Dynamics of memory circuits’ technologies and market development The article focuses on DRAM and flash memory’s market prospects, moving to 3D structures as well as market and technological factors for 3D NAND flash memory development.
Dynamics of memory circuits’ technologies and market development The article focuses on DRAM and flash memory’s market prospects, moving to 3D structures as well as market and technological factors for 3D NAND flash memory development.
Key aspects of the use of flash memory in embedded systems The article considers the most common types of flash memory and key challenges that the developer should take into account when creating an embedded application.
Key aspects of the use of flash memory in embedded systems The article considers the most common types of flash memory and key challenges that the developer should take into account when creating an embedded application.
Tags: 3d nand emmc flash memory mlc nand nor sd-card sd-карта slc tlc usb-drive usb-накопитель флеш-память
V.Vankov, N.Komkov
3D modules based on silicon backplanes The article considers three-dimensional (3D) systems in package (SiP) based on silicon backplanes. It is noted that the adoption of 3D SiP assembly technology is the necessary step on the way of creation of advanced types of multifunctional electronic devices.
3D modules based on silicon backplanes The article considers three-dimensional (3D) systems in package (SiP) based on silicon backplanes. It is noted that the adoption of 3D SiP assembly technology is the necessary step on the way of creation of advanced types of multifunctional electronic devices.
Advanced metal-ceramic packages for electronic components from ZPP JSC The article reviews advanced types of metal-ceramic packages produced by ZPP JSC, including multi-lead array packages, such as BGA and CCGA, miniature lead-free packages as well as packages for multi-chips modules.
Advanced metal-ceramic packages for electronic components from ZPP JSC The article reviews advanced types of metal-ceramic packages produced by ZPP JSC, including multi-lead array packages, such as BGA and CCGA, miniature lead-free packages as well as packages for multi-chips modules.
Tags: bga ccga flip-chip technology metal-ceramic package multi-lead array package qfn qlcc металлокерамический корпус многовыводной матричный корпус технология flip-chip
When the board is not the case. Recommendations for assembly line technologists Defects detected after assembled electronic devices’ inspection are often treated as a consequence of poor quality of printed circuit boards. This is incorrect in many cases. The article shows that the reasons for failures can be the faults in handling of PCBs and devices at the assembly line itself. Recommendations are given to reduce the probability of such failures to a minimum.
When the board is not the case. Recommendations for assembly line technologists Defects detected after assembled electronic devices’ inspection are often treated as a consequence of poor quality of printed circuit boards. This is incorrect in many cases. The article shows that the reasons for failures can be the faults in handling of PCBs and devices at the assembly line itself. Recommendations are given to reduce the probability of such failures to a minimum.
Tags: assembly of electronic devices drying failures non-functional pads overheating printed circuit boards warping of boards washing коробление плат нефункциональные контактные площадки отказы отмывка перегрев печатные платы сборка электронных устройств сушка
Microwave electronics
V.Kochemasov, A.Kirpichenkov
Solid-state microwave switches. Part 1 The article considers the general information about solid-state microwave switches and technologies used to create these devices. The features of switches manufactured on the basis of various technologies have been observed.
Solid-state microwave switches. Part 1 The article considers the general information about solid-state microwave switches and technologies used to create these devices. The features of switches manufactured on the basis of various technologies have been observed.
Tags: insertion loss microwave switch switching time вносимые потери время переключения свч-переключатель
Topic of the Year: Internet of Things
R.Vaga, A.Kopystyrensky
Implementation of at-line x-ray inspection systems at assembly line Yxlon offers a high-resolution X-ray inspection system adapted for integration into the assembly line local network through an at-line scheme. Thus high-precision data for assembly defects verification are included in the automated information loop, which brings production closer to the requirements of Industry 4.0 concept.
Implementation of at-line x-ray inspection systems at assembly line Yxlon offers a high-resolution X-ray inspection system adapted for integration into the assembly line local network through an at-line scheme. Thus high-precision data for assembly defects verification are included in the automated information loop, which brings production closer to the requirements of Industry 4.0 concept.