For Development of Domestic Computing Equipment, We Must Join Efforts DOI: 10.22184/1992-4178.2020.
How to Change from Struggle for Dominance to Cooperative Development DOI: 10.22184/1992-4178.2020.
The article discusses the use of digital platforms by companies as a tool to achieve market dominance as well as the associated negative factors for further technological and economic development. It adduces an option to oppose the technological and economic dependence on global corporations and describes the basic ideas of this option.
Seed rotary and movement drive for Czochralski silicon monocrystals growth setup DOI: 10.22184/1992-4178.2020.
The article considers the design of seed rotation and movement drive for the installations for growing silicon monocrystals by Czochralski method. It is noted that the drive features are the use of cylindrical differential in the kinematics and the use of a chain as a flexible suspension.
GSI Technology’s random access memory: record performance and high reliability DOI: 10.22184/1992-4178.2020.
GSI Technology specializes in the development of high performance static random access memory (RAM) and is the world’s leading company in this field. The article provides basic information about the company and its products.
Specific features of the application of crystal oscillators with high temperature stability DOI: 10.22184/1992-4178.2020.
The article discusses the operational features of temperature compensated crystal oscillators, methods for measuring temperature stability as well as the influence of other factors on it.
Electromagnetic pollution from radio frequency sources and their effects on humans DOI: 10.22184/1992-4178.2020.
The article considers the intensity of electromagnetic radiation in various frequency ranges, its possible danger to humans and animals.
Current status of implementing the boundary scan in Russian electronic components DOI: 10.22184/1992-4178.2020.
The article provides an overview of supporting the IEEE 1149.1 boundary scan standard by Russian electronic components. The problems and obstacles are considered, which slow down implementing the standard as well as possible solutions.
Unpackaged element’s internal mounting technologies and design aspects for microsystems with embedded chips. Part 1 DOI: 10.22184/1992-4178.2020.
The article provides an overview of technologies and design and technological solutions for internal mounting the elements in package and PCB substrate structure, discusses the problems and ways of solving them when implementing a project with embedded active and passive components using Mentor, A Siemens Business CAD system.
Ferrite Switches. Part 1 DOI: 10.22184/1992-4178.2020.
he article considers ferrite switches. Information on design principles, options and characteristics of these devices is provided.
MS Certification against GOST R ISO 9001-2015: Why Is It Needed? DOI: 10.22184/1992-4178.2020.
Avionic equipment direct lightning strike testing DOI: 10.22184/1992-4178.2020.
Using the example of section 23.0 of KT‑160G / 14G qualification requirements for aviation the article considers the procedure for direct lightning strike testing, requirements for equipment and methods of evaluating the results, as well as possible problems and ways of solving them during testing.
PCB is a Key Component Determining End-Product Reliability DOI: 10.22184/1992-4178.2020.
The article discusses a number of factors which determine PCB reliability related to design, materials, manufacturing process, verification and tests, and the requirements for the PCB. It lists certain aspects of IPC standards requirements for PCBs on the basis of product class as well as different and additional requirements of NCAB.
2D Metrology – automatic 2D measurements for precise verifying the conductors with a given characteristic impedance DOI: 10.22184/1992-4178.2020.
The article substantiates the need for total verifying high-frequency PCB lines impedance for digital electronics. The factors influencing the wave impedance of such lines are given. It describes Orbotech built-in AOI tool for fast and accurate measurements of conductor cross-sections during PCB inspection.
Features of measuring the resistivity and surface resistance by four-point probe method DOI: 10.22184/1992-4178.2020.
The article provides an overview of modern methods for measuring resistivity and surface resistance, describes their strengths and weaknesses as well as possible ways to eliminate these limitations. As a ready-made solution manual and automatic software and hardware systems are presented, which are able to solve various production tasks when measuring electrophysical parameters.
Improving the security and reliability of smart locks DOI: 10.22184/1992-4178.2020.
The article considers the general principles of smart locks with wireless communication. A new design of a smart lock with two communication channels is proposed and its energy consumption is calculated. The advantage of using an additional communication channel to improve the security and reliability of a smart lock is proved.
Hello... Are You There? How to prevent dropped communication in critical IoT applications DOI: 10.22184/1992-4178.2020.
Designing 5G wireless chipsets for self-driving cars The article discusses the issues related to the design of 5G wireless chipsets for self-driving cars. It is noted that the control and measurement solutions used to test such chipsets must accurately measure and evaluate the signal characteristics without creating new issues.
Cooled IR photodetectors based on cadmium-mercury- tellurium: current status and development prospects DOI: 10.22184/1992-4178.2020.
The article analyzes the market status and development prospects of cooled IR photodetectors based on cadmium-mercury-tellurium.
3D printing in electronics DOI: 10.22184/1992-4178.2020.
The article considers the types of 3D printing technologies used in electronics. The features of the application of these technologies for the creation of various electronic devices and their components are discussed. Particular attention is paid to the use of multi-material and hybrid 3D printing technologies in embedded, conformal and flexible electronics.
Comparative analysis of current-voltage characteristics of ion-selective field-effect transistors with membranes based on tantalum, niobium and titanium oxides DOI: 10.22184/1992-4178.2020.
As part of a study to create a prototype of a sensitive element for water pollution sensors a comparative analysis of the current-voltage characteristics of ion-selective field-effect transistors with membranes based on niobium, tantalum and titanium was made. It has been found that these transistors give the same response to hydrogen ions.