DOI: 10.22184/1992-4178.2024.
The article summarizes and systematizes the experience practice in the designing of passive polyphase filters – important components of microwave ICs, such as quadrature modulators, quadrature demodulators and phase shifters.
Tags: phase shifter polyphase filter quadrature demodulator quadrature modulator transmit-receive path квадратурный демодулятор квадратурный модулятор полифазный фильтр приемо-передающий тракт фазовращатель
Subscribe to the journal Electronics: STB to read the full article.
The article summarizes and systematizes the experience practice in the designing of passive polyphase filters – important components of microwave ICs, such as quadrature modulators, quadrature demodulators and phase shifters.
Tags: phase shifter polyphase filter quadrature demodulator quadrature modulator transmit-receive path квадратурный демодулятор квадратурный модулятор полифазный фильтр приемо-передающий тракт фазовращатель
Subscribe to the journal Electronics: STB to read the full article.
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