DOI: 10.22184/1992-4178.2024.
At industrial enterprise computer vision systems help eliminate the human factor, reduce costs, increase production flexibility, ensure safety at the site, and monitor compliance with safety regulations. The article discusses the features of «Sokol» computer vision system,
developed by «Kvazar» company and «ASK» engineering center.
Tags: computer vision system convolutional neural networks machine learning algorithms optical pattern recognition video information алгоритмы машинного обучения видеоинформация оптическое распознавание образов сверточные нейронные сети система компьютерного зрения
Subscribe to the journal Electronics: STB to read the full article.
At industrial enterprise computer vision systems help eliminate the human factor, reduce costs, increase production flexibility, ensure safety at the site, and monitor compliance with safety regulations. The article discusses the features of «Sokol» computer vision system,
developed by «Kvazar» company and «ASK» engineering center.
Tags: computer vision system convolutional neural networks machine learning algorithms optical pattern recognition video information алгоритмы машинного обучения видеоинформация оптическое распознавание образов сверточные нейронные сети система компьютерного зрения
Subscribe to the journal Electronics: STB to read the full article.
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